Welcome to The Scoop, where we ask students from all years and faculties about how they spend their time during a seven-day period.
This week: A 3rd year Commerce student with some income spends her money on laser hair removal.
School: Queen’s University
Program: Commerce
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Salary: $3000
Total Spend this week: $150.30
8:30 am – My first class of the week is my Channels and Internet Marketing course, which is 1.5 hours long. In this class, my Prof briefed us on our blogs and Shopify projects.
10:00 am – My second class and last class of the day is Managing Across Cultures, which was also 1.5 hours long. We were reminded to get together with our cultural teams and have a “Family” dinner specific to the country we were assigned.
11:30 am – I had a Career Advising Appointment to talk about employment after exchange and making sure I was on top of whatever else I needed to know.
12:00 pm – I made my way to Stauffer Library, where I spent time chipping away at some homework and trying to stay on track.
2:30 pm – One of the clubs that I’m a part of had scheduled a business call with a company and its employees. I listened in to make sure I was up to date with our partnership.
5:00 pm – I had club headshots taken at Goodes during this time. The lighting surprisingly ended up being decently good!
6:30 pm – I spent the next 4.5 hours sitting on a hiring panel, trying to find the right candidates to fill the open positions. The time flew by, and before I knew it, we finished the scheduled interviews and called it a day.
10:30 pm – I headed right to Metro to catch the bus to go home.
10:30 am – Luckily, I get to sleep in a little on Tuesday. My first event of the day is a club meeting where my team updates each other on how our plans are going and what else we’re planning throughout the semester.
11:00 am – I head to the Law Library to get some assignments done because this week is a busy week.
2:30 pm – My first and only class of the day is my Project Management course. It’s a 3-hour long lecture, but in the middle of the day, so it’s manageable.
5:30 pm – After class, I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen since the summer, and we spent some time catching each other up on life.
7:00 pm – My Managing Across Cultures team scheduled our cultural dinner today. We got assigned the UAE, and since it would be too expense and time consuming to make the food, we decided to order out instead. We ordered the assorted family platter from Limestone Kabab House and ate the food right when we got it.
8:30 am - My first class of the day is my second Managing Across Cultures class for the week. Another 1.5 hours of my day that just flies by.
10:00 am - My second class and last class of the day is my 3rd-year mandatory course, Operations Management, which was also 1.5 hours long. Another back to back day. The perks to having back to back classes are that I finish my classes in the morning, and I have the rest of the day to do other pending work.
11:30 am – During this time, I’m scheduled on a 4.5-hour shift at the Student Life Centre in the JDUC. It’s a part-time work position during the school year, which is manageable when trying to balance classes.
4:00 pm – I have a marketing meeting scheduled at this time, where we gave an update on our blog and tried to come up with ideas for posts.
5:30 pm – I head to Stauffer again, to try and catch up on the work I’m behind in, trying to get ahead.
10:30 pm – It’s about time I call it a day. I headed right to Metro to catch the bus to go home.
10:00 am – Another morning where I get to sleep in! I only have 1 class today, and it’s the second class of my Channels and Internet Marketing course. During this class, we had a guest speaker come in and talk about his time working for Shopify, leading him to be inspired to start a new venture.
1:00 pm – Time for my laser hair removal appointment! I hopped on a bus and rushed across town to get to my treatment. My experience with the whole process has been positive so far.
5:30 pm – My Ops team met for the first time. We came with an execution plan for our case assignment that is due on the weekend.
6:30 pm – One of the clubs that I’m on had an analyst presentation at Goodes. I attended the presentation and enjoyed the topic that was touched upon.
8:30 am – Last class of the week! Last 8:30 of the week! Operations Management. Which was again, 1.5 hours long. This class consisted of the professor going through theory to set us up for the practice questions we will attempt during the following week.
10:30 am – I went to Balzac’s and grabbed a cup of coffee with my exchange buddy. I got paired up with her through the Commerce Exchange and Transfer Committee buddy program. It was our first time officially meeting, and I had a great time!
12:45 pm – Right after coffee, I headed to Central Public School, where I volunteer for 2 hours with a Grade 3/4 class. This opportunity was provided to me by the Queen’s Commerce Kid’s (QCK).
3:00 pm – After volunteering, I headed home to pack for Ottawa. 2 of my best friends go to the University of Ottawa, and a couple of us decided to go to attend the Panda Games. Panda Games is the BIG Ottawa v.s. Carlton’s Football Game.
10:00 pm – One of my friends picked me up, and we made our way to Ottawa, reaching around midnight.
1:00 am – By the time I hit the hay, it was already 1:00 am and we set A LOT of alarms to make sure we could get up early the next day.
6:00 am – PANDA GAMES! The whole house was awake, and we were blasting music while getting ready for the game! I ate a huge breakfast and was sipping some cider on the side.
10:00 am – I didn’t end up getting a ticket for the game, so I spent time with some of my friends who had misplaced their tickets. I also got a chance to meet up with people whom I haven’t seen in a while.
2:00 pm – I ended up taking an amazingly long nap. I was sleep-deprived all week, and the nap gave me more energy for later in the night.
11:00 pm – My friend group and I made our way to the ByWard market. A few people decided to hit the clubs, some went to get tacos, but one friend and I decided to get milkshakes. Right when we were about to order, we got told that the milkshake machine just broke.
12:30 am – We ended up heading back to the house, and snacked on some spicy Cheetos while continuing our unfinished catch-up stories.
8:30 am – I got up super early for a Sunday, packed, got ready, and said goodbye to everyone.
9:00 am - My friends joined me for breakfast at Tim Hortons. We ate in the car and headed back to Kingston.
11:00 am – We arrived in Kingston around 11 am. My friends dropped me off at Stauffer as I had an assignment due the next day.
11:30 am – I attempted to do some work, but got distracted and hungry, so I decided to grab lunch with a few friends.
12:30 pm – After lunch, I got back to Stauffer and continued the grind.
9:00 pm – I needed a huge break, so I called it a night and headed home to prepare for the busy week ahead.