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A Week in Kingston, Ontario as a Fourth Year Commerce Student

Writer: The ScoopThe Scoop

Welcome to The Scoop where we ask students from all years and faculties about how they spend their time during a seven-day period.

Attention, Gaels! We're featuring week-in-the-life entries from all Queen's University students on a regular basis, and we want to hear from you. Submit yours here.

Today: A fourth year Commerce student with no income spends some of her savings this week on Truffle Mushroom pizza.

School: Queen’s University

Program: Commerce

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Salary: $0

Total Spend: $31.68

Day 1

8:00 am - My alarm goes off but all I can think about is staying cozy in bed, wrapped like a burrito. I draw the curtains and turn on the kettle so it’s ready by the time i’m out of the shower and finished brushing my teeth. It’s cold in the mornings so I throw on my comfy all Nike fit. After I fill up my S’well bottle, i’m ready to walk to class which only takes me 8 minutes (perks of living close to campus)!

8:30 am - I have a 1.5 hour lecture for my marketing class. We had presentations that day for our project proposals. Classes usually end 10 minutes early so I head home right after, wash some spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers and call it my lunch.

11:15 am - My second alarm goes off which tells me it’s time to leave for my second lecture of the day! It’s a computer science elective which is only 1 hour but I have it 3 times a week.

12:20 pm - Class ends and I walk back to Goodes for a meeting with one of my professors to receive feedback on a group’s presentation before tomorrow’s official presentation. After that, my group and I meet for 2 hours to keep working on the presentation.

3:00 pm - I go to the ARC for a workout (cardio day!). I go home, take a shower, and make myself a protein shake. I boil some lettuce and have it with crispy tofu bites.

5:30 pm - My group and I call in through Google Hangouts for a run through of our presentation. After our meeting, I leave the house for my 3 hour night marketing class. After class, I use the rest of the night to finalize the slides and script for my presentation tomorrow.

Day 2

9:30 am - My alarm goes off - same morning routine! I go to Goodes to meet with my group for several final run throughs of our presentation.

1:30 pm - I go to my computer science elective, followed by a 3-hour lecture strategy class. My group did our presentation and it actually went really well!

5:30 pm - I’m finally done my classes for the day and head to the ARC for a workout (abs day!). I hop in the shower, make myself a protein shake, and prepare meatless meatballs and pasta for dinner.

7:15 pm - After I complete an online quiz for my strategy course, I spend the rest of the night working on my computer science assignment.

11:45 pm - It’s garbage collection day tomorrow so I take out the garbage and recycling - my housemate and I alternate weeks. After that, I get ready for bed!

Day 3

9:00 am - I don’t have classes today so yay! I go for a morning jog.

4:00 pm - I have a 1 hour group meeting (for my marketing class) at Goodes and spend the next 2 hours working on my parts of the project.

7:00 pm - Tonight’s dinner features kale and quinoa bites with button mushrooms on the side.

8:50 pm - I go to my hip hop dance class which starts at 9:15 pm. After dance, I spend an hour working on my computer science assignment before I get ready for bed.

Day 4

9:00 am - I use today’s extra time before class to catch up on the news.

10:00 am - I had my marketing class and we had a guest speaker today. I go home afterwards to have an early lunch (my typical salad), nothing new!

12:15 pm - I go to my computer science lecture and spend the next couple of hours reviewing the first couple of lectures.

5:30 pm - I have a meeting with my marketing class before dinner. Tonight's menu: sweet potatoes and avocados with an episode of Grey’s Anatomy for me.

Day 5

9:00 am - My morning routine is the same but lucky for me, I have Friday’s off too!

10:00 am - I have a meeting with my strategy class, followed by another meeting with my marketing class. I spend the rest of the afternoon completing my parts for both projects.

5:00 pm - A friend of mine is visiting me this weekend! While they rest after long drive up to Kingston, I finish up my computer science assignment.

8:00 pm - We got some pizza to-go from Pizza Studio for dinner and of course, I had the Truffle Mushroom. As we devoured our pizzas, we watched a couple of episodes of Criminal: UK.

Day 6

10:00 am - While I spend some time reviewing my next computer science assignment, my friend went to Starbucks and brought me back a spinach and feta wrap for breakfast.

2:00 pm - We left Kingston and took the Glenora ferry to Prince Edward County and saw the Lake on a Mountain. We then headed for The County Cider Company to pick up some ciders, and stopped by a couple of markets on the side of the roads. Before heading back to Kingston, we went to Slicker’s Ice-cream and I got a scoop of campfire on a waffle cone. On the way home, we stopped by NoFrills to pick up some groceries considering we had a car as I would have to lug groceries back from Metro on my own otherwise.

7:00 p.m. - When we got back to my place, I threw my laundry in the wash and then we headed out for dinner at The Thai House Cuisine. I ordered a vegetable pad thai with tofu. We ended the night with some of the ciders that we got earlier in the day.

Day 7

11:00 am - My friend and I go out for brunch at Toast & Jam. It’s always busy there so we waited for 30 minutes before being seated. We both ordered the Breakfast Hash and moroccan carrot soup on the side.

2:30 pm - My friend left and I spent the rest of the day working on a proposal that was due the next morning.



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